Asset Explorer - the Editor

  • Updated

Select an asset in the Workspace and click on the Properties tab in the Action Panel to view the data.



Click on a data field in the Action Panel to bring up the asset data editor which will appear as shown below

The editable fields will depend on your Properties preferences. For more information on changing these, see Asset Explorer - Preferences and Settings.

Make changes as required then click on 'Save All Manual Edits'.

To edit collection metadata, select a collection in the Navigator and click on the Properties tab in the Action panel, then as with the asset, click on a data field in that panel to bring up the metadata editor for collections.

You can also use the Edit Properties icon in the toolbar (next to the Publish icon) to edit metadata for a selected collection or for selected assets. If you have multiple assets selected when you use this icon and you make changes, they will affect all assets. The system will warn you before you save your changes.



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