How do I view the assets in my system?
Go to Media > Asset Explorer. Assets and collections should be displayed in the workspace. The screen shot below shows an example of assets displayed in grid view.
How do I clear the results of a search?
If the results of a search are being shown, click on 'Show all assets' at the top of the Workspace to clear the search. This is shown in the screen shot above, next to the text showing the number of search results found.
How do I switch between grid view and list view in the workspace area?
There are 2 icons top right of the workspace, to the left of where the assets are selected. The first icon switches to grid view and the second to list view. The active selection is shown in pink.
How do I select assets?
In grid view, tick the checkboxes below and to the left of the thumbnails (screen shot). In list view, the checkboxes are to the left of the thumbnails.
How do I clear selected assets?
Click on the X next to where the number of selected assets is shown (see below).
How do I know whether an asset is published?
Each thumbnail is displayed in a retangular area. If the asset is published, there will be a green icon top left in this rectangle (see screen shot above showing selected assets). Otherwise the icon will be grey with a line through it.
How do I publish or unpublish assets?
Select the assets as shown above, then click on one of the two icons on the left of the toolbar (highlighted in the red box in the screen shot below). The left icon unpublishes assets and the one on the right will publish the selected assets. You will be asked to confirm before publishing/unpublishing proceeds.
How do I create a new collection?
If the collection is at the top level, click on the plus [+] icon at the top of the Navigator panel:
To create a sub-collection within another collection, click on a collection in the Navigator panel, then click on the Context Menu icon for that collection (3 dots, see below) and select the 'Add new collection' option.
How do I add an asset to a collection?
Open the Navigator panel if not already open, select the assets to add in the workspace and drag them onto the collection in the Navigator panel as shown below.
How do I remove assets from a collection?
Select a collection, then select the assets to be removed from it and click on the 'Remove assets' icon on the toolbar, shown below.
How do I make changes to a collection?
Click on the 3 dots menu icon as shown below for a collection in the Navigator panel. From the menu you can add a new sub-collection, rename the collection, publish/unpublish it or delete it.
How do I change the sort order of collections or assets?
There is a sort order icon top right of the Navigator panel to sort collections, and another one top right of the Workspace panel (shown below in the red box) to sort the assets and collections in the Workspace.
How do I view and edit asset data?
Select an asset and click on the 'Edit Properties' icon as shown below.
This will bring up the Edit Properties panel.
If you cannot see the fields you want to edit, click on the Preferences icon (cog wheel symbol) top right. This will bring up the panel shown below.
To configure the fields to be edited or shown, click on the 'Properties' tab and the 'Assets' tab as shown below (if they are not already selected). Tick the fields you want to edit and click on Submit to save your changes.
When you edit or view asset data, the fields you have selected will be displayed.
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