Asset Explorer - Advanced Search

  • Updated

To access Advanced Search in Asset Explorer, click on the icon to the left of the Search Bar:

Asset Explorer - Quick Search bar.png

This will take you to the Advanced Search panel as shown below.

Advanced search panel.png

The metadata fields in this panel can be customised according to your preferences. These are set by clicking on the cog icon, top right. You are then taken to the Asset Explorer preferences panel as shown below where you click on the 'Advanced Search' tab on the left and then tick or untick the metadata fields you wish to include.

Asset Explorer preferences.png

After you have configured your Advanced Search panel, you can search using either the quick search box at the top which searches through all metadata fields, or by entering text in one or more fields.

Note that searches are not case sensitive.

You can use the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT and also the term MAYBE to qualify your searches. When using these, make sure they are in uppercase ('AND' instead of 'and') or they will be treated as part of the search. The examples below show how these may be used.

Adv search example 3 - AND.png

The above search will return assets where "France" is in the Country field and both "Paris" and "Lyon" appear in the Subject field.


Adv search example 1 - OR.png

The above search will return assets where "France" is in the Country field and either "Paris" or "Lyon" (or both) appear in the Subject field.


Adv search example 2 - NOT.png

This one will search for assets where "France" is in the Country field and "Paris" is in the Subject field but "Lyon" is not in that field.


Finally there is the MAYBE operator which is less well known. "Paris MAYBE Lyon" will search for assets with "Paris" and "Lyon" in the selected field, but will not return assets where "Lyon" is in the field without "Paris".


You can also use "wildcard" characters to match part of a search term. "Par*" will find all words beginning with "Par". A question mark character (?) will match any single character, so "Pa?is" will find "Paris".








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