Asset Explorer - Navigator

  • Updated

The Navigator serves as an organisational tool for effectively managing all collections visible on the front end. Within this panel, users can create collections with customisable levels of visibility and download permissions.

From the Navigator panel a user can choose to view the assets in a collection, to move a collection to a position below another collection, to rename, publish, unpublish or delete a collection. New collections can also be created.


Asset Explorer Navigator.png


Click on a collection in the Navigator panel to see the assets and collections in it. These will be displayed in the workspace area in the middle of the screen. You can also see the child collections by clicking on the > icon where this is displayed to the left of a collection in the Navigator panel.

To create a new collection at the top level click on the + icon at the top of the Navigator panel. To create a child collection click on the context menu icon for the parent collection.

The context menu icon for collections and assets looks like this:

By clicking on the context menu for a collection you can rename, publish/unpublish or delete the collection. You can also add a new child collection.

The sort order of the collections in the Navigator panel can be set be using this icon at the top of the panel:

Clicking on this icon brings up the options shown below.


Sorting by newest or oldest will sort by the date the collections were created. You can also sort alphabetically A-Z or Z-A. Finally there is the Custom sort option, which allows you to drag and drop the collections into the order required.  Note that currently this also configures the sort order on the front-end website.  The figure below shows the 'Motorsport' collection being dragged to a new position in the sort order. The green line indicates where the collection will be moved if the cursor button is released. Make sure you have the Custom sort option ticked before you try to change the sort order.

If Custom sorting is not ticked, then you can only use drag and drop within the Navigator panel to move a collection into another collection, not for sorting.




Assets can be added to a collection by dragging and dropping from the Workspace panel into the Navigator panel as shown below. This is also described in Asset Explorer - Workspace


Asset Explorer - dragging selected assets to a collection.png




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