Reviewing requests
View (and action) details of the request by clicking on one of the 'eye' symbols in the right column of the previous Download approvals screen, where requested are listed. The example below shows how the back-office administrator would respond to the request in the text box provided - and then go on to click one of the three buttons below.
Reject - approval is not granted so no download facility for these assets appears for this user on the front-end website, and the back-office request will also be closed, with no further editing possible. An email to this effect is also sent to the front-end user including the message entered by the back-office administrator in the message box provided.
Acknowledge - this informs the end-user that the request has been seen, and they can read the accompanying message. At this point they cannot yet download from the front-end - but the back-office user can go back into the record and Approve or Reject the request. If approved, the end-user receives an email in the usual way, and can then proceed to download the assets through the lightbox or the My details part of Capture front-end website.
This workflow can be useful if the end-user has to do some sort of action in order for the back-office administrator to release the assets. This could, for instance, be pay for them if it is a commercial transaction that is being sought. Or it could be around providing more details or assurances regarding end use.
If rejected the end-user also receives an email containing the explanatory message.
An email reflecting the comments entered is sent to the end-user - so it is important to remember to update the message box before clicking Approve or Reject, as you cannot later edit the message.
Approve - by clicking this, and adding a comment, the end user can access the requested assets via the lightbox and their My details part of the front-end system. The request in the back-office is now closed from further access as the job is completed.
An email reflecting the comments entered is sent to the end-user - including a link to the lightbox, enabling a smooth client workflow.
This interface also lists the assets in the request, informing the back-office administrator of the total.
Actioning requests
Click on the 'eye' icon to open the request. Enter your message in the Response text box.
If you close the panel, without clicking any of the buttons, your text is auto-saved.
You then have three choices of buttons: Reject, Acknowledge, Approve
Rejecting requests
A request that has been rejected is shown below. No further action is needed from this screen. The lightbox is disabled on the front-end with the message: "Download request of this lightbox has been rejected for use."
Approving requests
The screen shot below shows a request that has been approved. No further action in this screen is required. The end-user also gets at email alert with a link in it that takes them to the lightbox. They can then select the asset, and choose the Download option.
Acknowledging requests
Meanwhile, if you wish to acknowledge a request, enter a response in the text box, and click the Acknowledge button. The message will be sent via email to the requester. If you close the panel down (using the 'x' at top right of the panel) you are able to re-open it and add to the message at a later date if required.
Clicking Acknowledge again will send another email with the updated message.
If you close the panel, without clicking any of the buttons, your text is auto-saved.
Tip. If you acknowledged the assets initially and send an accompanying message - and then go back to approve or reject the assets, don't forget to update the initial message.
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